New Year, New Beginnings

Hi Friends,


Looking out on a new year. 

So I’ve gotten increasingly terrible at writing frequently (I blame Grad School), but I’m currently reading about the Philosophy and Theory of Art, which begs for some hefty procrastination…

It’s a new year (albeit a few days late)! 2016, full of promise, perspective, and excitement. And, at very best, a welcome change from 2015. 2015, as I’ve detailed before, turned out to be a big year of growth and changes for me, some of which were not so fun. But I learned valuable lessons about myself that I plan to use to make 2016 the best year yet!

2016 came to a quick and hurried start (after champagne and cocktails with my favorite–read:only, haha–sister, of course, but more on that later) with an atrocious cold, the beginning of a new quarter, and my first days at my new internship. This quarter, I’m learning how to evaluate museum exhibits and programs, trying my hand at designing and developing an exhibit concept, and learning how discussions of important issues work, as well as interning in the education department at the Museum of History and Industry–my museum crush of last quarter. I’m particularly excited about this role, as I get to interact with schoolchildren of all ages and help them experience this awesome museum in new, engaging, and exciting ways, all the while having loads of fun! It’s like We the People (my beloved service program from undergrad) every Tuesday and Thursday, but in a museum instead of a classroom–how awesome is that?!

This quarter is all about new experiences. It’s only week 2 and I love it already. Here’s to hoping the momentum keeps going for the next 8 weeks!

x. M


P.S. I had so much fun with Sara in town around the New Year, so I promise to have a post on that soon!

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